A Big Thankyou for all the Mums

A Big Thankyou for all the mums...

Thankyou to the mum’s that battle every night to get their kids to brush their teeth.

Thankyou for booking all the appointments and having to make three separate trips for three separate kids in order to coordinate it around half a dozen after school activities.

Thankyou for sitting through our healthy diet lecture when we both know the only lollies they are getting are from the footy oval canteen, with their father on a Saturday afternoon.

Thankyou for holding your kids hand and keeping them calm when we have to fix a tooth, even if you have to look the other way to keep yourself calm.

Thankyou for the magic kisses at the end that makes it all better.

Thankyou for remembering to buy all the toothpaste and toothbrushes for the family.

Thankyou for justifying to their Dads why your kids need braces.

Thankyou for booking your kids in when they are home on uni holidays.

Thankyou for paying your adult son’s account in order from him to get the treatment he needs.

Thankyou for ringing up and making an appointment for your 47 year old husband with a toothache and then having to try and answer 15 questions about if it keeps him up at night or hurts when he chews. Lo and behold he could actually make his own appointment.

Thankyou for bring your 87 year old dad in when he needs a new denture.

Thankyou for always putting your family first.

We know how much we rely on you ❤️


Addressing the Root Cause