Sedation Options

If you are anxious about going to the dentist, you are not alone. Millions of people feel the same way. In fact, many people avoid going to the dentist altogether. At Curran Dental we offer a variety of dental sedation options that can make your visit more comfortable and ensure you get the treatment you need.

Oral Sedation (Valium)

Oral Sedation is usually a tablet or liquid administered before the appointment. The most common oral sedation medication is Valium. It is a very effective sedative and will help you feel relaxed during your procedure. It has the added benefit of not requiring an injection.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation (Laughing Gas)

Nitrous oxide is a safe and effective form of sedation that has been used for over 100 years. It is administered through a small mask that you will wear during your procedure. Nitrous oxide will help you feel relaxed and calm, but you will be able to hear and respond to the dentist. When your procedure is over, the nitrous oxide will be turned off and you will quickly return to normal. Nitrous Oxide is particularly beneficial when treating Children and ensure they have a positive dental experience.

Conscious Sedation (IV)

IV sedation is a more powerful form of sedation than oral sedation or Nitrous Oxide. An Anesthetist administers it through a small needle in your arm and takes effect almost immediately.

IV sedation will make you feel very relaxed and sleepy during your procedure. You may not remember much, if anything, about your procedure afterward. Because of its powerful sedative effects, it's often used for high-anxiety patients or patients undergoing complex procedures. We have a regular session once a month where the Anesthetist attends our surgery to provide this service.

Get in Touch

Please let our team know if you're feeling nervous about seeing the dentist, please let Reception or your dentist know. We can talk to you about your treatment and what might be the right option for you.


  • For simple procedures, oral sedation is enough, and dentists are authorised to hand prescribe for these sedatives. Dentists are also allowed to administer nitrous oxide sedation when the need arises. An Anesthetist administer the IV Sedation.