Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, otherwise known as bruxism, is the excessive grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw. Most people don't realise they're grinding their teeth until their partner mentions it or because they are told by their dentist who notices wear patterns.

What causes grinding teeth while sleeping?

The cause is usually unique to each patient. Often it's due to stress and anxiety can lead to both daytime and nighttime grinding.

Can grinding teeth cause problems?

  • Mild bruxism may not need treatment, but in certain cases, frequent and severe bruxism can result in headaches, jaw disorders, tooth damage, and other complications.

  • Headaches or Migraines or even neck pain

  • Ear pain / pressure

  • Jaw pain / TMJ syndrome - muscle problems in the jaw

  • Toothaches or cracked tooth

  • Inflamed or bleeding gums

How do I stop grinding my teeth?

  • A dentist approved night guard can help protect your teeth by reducing wear and tear. The night guard which you put in before you sleep is a protective layer that cushions your teeth when clenching.

  • Stress Management and relaxation techniques such as meditation can reduce or eliminate grinding.

What are Dental Treatments do you provide?

At Curran Dental, our dentists provide a comprehensive check-up and examination to diagnose bruxism through a visual inspection and bite analysis. We offer a range of treatments to repair damaged teeth and offer custom-fitted night guards that act as a barrier between your upper & lower teeth and can reduce jaw tension.

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